The Berlin Wall Trail - Seeking the Traces of History along the former Berlin Wall

Bike tours
Length: 159 km
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Length: 159 km
From €
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p.P. = per person, p.P./N = per person / night, p.E./N = per unit / night, EZ = Single room, DZ = double room, FeWo = holiday home, App. = apartment, Suite = suite, FR = Breakfast, HP = half board, VP = full board
The Berlin Wall Trail has a total distance of 160 kilometres. The tour starts off in central Berlin, at Potsdamer Platz. Heading southeast bound you will be wandering through downtown Berlin towards Schönefeld. The trail leads you westwards along the former border strip right into Potsdam. From here you will be led via Spandau up to the northern tip of Berlin towards Frohnau. Having arrived in Pankow and Wedding, the central districts of Berlin are in easy reach again. For 18 kilometres, the most fascinating strip leads you directly through the city, along the former line that divided Berlin during the post-war years.
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  • Mauerreste, Foto: TMB/Huff
  • Versöhung, Foto: TMB/Huff
  • Fernsehturm aus der Ferne, Foto: TMB/Huff
  • Grafitti, Foto: TMB/Huff
  • Mauerweg_Grunewald, Foto: TMB
  • Buergerablage, Foto: TMB
  • Mauerweg bei Hennigsdorf
  • Mauerweg bei Kladow
  • Im Norden Berlins, Foto: TMB/Huff

Grey beam against a white background with 'Berliner Mauerweg' logo and watchtower to the left.

Cycling Path Conditions / Path Construction

Except for small sections along Teltowkanal, Düppeler Forst and on Tegeler Fließ, the trail is entirely paved.

Map/ Guide Recommendations (in German)
  • Bikeline-Radtourenbuch "Berliner Mauer-Radweg", 1:20.000, Esterbauer-Publishing House, ISBN 3850008096, EAN: 9783850008099, 14,90 Euro
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The Berlin Wall Trail has a total distance of 160 kilometres. The tour starts off in central Berlin, at Potsdamer Platz. Heading southeast bound you will be wandering through downtown Berlin towards Schönefeld. The trail leads you westwards along the former border strip right into Potsdam. From here you will be led via Spandau up to the northern tip of Berlin towards Frohnau. Having arrived in Pankow and Wedding, the central districts of Berlin are in easy reach again. For 18 kilometres, the most fascinating strip leads you directly through the city, along the former line that divided Berlin during the post-war years.
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  • Mauerreste, Foto: TMB/Huff
  • Versöhung, Foto: TMB/Huff
  • Fernsehturm aus der Ferne, Foto: TMB/Huff
  • Grafitti, Foto: TMB/Huff
  • Mauerweg_Grunewald, Foto: TMB
  • Buergerablage, Foto: TMB
  • Mauerweg bei Hennigsdorf
  • Mauerweg bei Kladow

Grey beam against a white background with 'Berliner Mauerweg' logo and watchtower to the left.

Cycling Path Conditions / Path Construction

Except for small sections along Teltowkanal, Düppeler Forst and on Tegeler Fließ, the trail is entirely paved.

Map/ Guide Recommendations (in German)
  • Bikeline-Radtourenbuch "Berliner Mauer-Radweg", 1:20.000, Esterbauer-Publishing House, ISBN 3850008096, EAN: 9783850008099, 14,90 Euro
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Arrival planner

Pariser Platz

10117 Berlin

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Tourist information

Tourismusverband Dahme Seenland e.V.

Bahnhofsvorplatz 5
15711 Königs Wusterhausen

Tel.: +49 (0) 3375-252025

Weather Today, 13. 3.

1 8
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    0 7
  • Saturday
    0 7

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